
Hello world

Hello my name is Asadulloh, and at 22 years old. So in this post I wanna share my journey of becoming a Software Engineer.

It begun in 2019 when I came to Tashkent. I didn't know about software engineering before. I started learn Python, C and C++ because I didn't have plan or roadmap for learning, I needed to find teacher or education center. After year I found "Najot Talim" education center to learn software engineering, after that I chose web development and started learning both frontend and backend. In these period I found great teachers and friends, this period was the best time in my life and I want to say "Najot Talim" thank you for everything.

I worked while studying. sometimes I worked as a volunteer, I especially remember my first job as a volunteer in Eduon. I received several gifts from Eduon, you can see it here

After that I realized I needed to start working on bigger projects and mentors to become a better programmer. I worked with companies: Mfaktor, Soff IT, Exadot, Zoftify, Natija, Mediapark, Hyssa